Self-care Workshop Open to Families and Individuals Who Survived Abuse

Self-care techniques are an important part of the healing process for survivors of all ages. It is an unfortunate reality that children can be affected by domestic and sexual violence in western Illinois.  A local nonprofit counseling and advocacy center, Western Illinois Regional Council-Community Action Agency (WIRC-CAA) Victim Services, has had success hosting self-care workshops for adults, and now they are expanding the workshops to include children ages five and older.

The Survivor Self-care Workshop is free and will be held at a non-disclosed location in Macomb from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. on Saturday, June 10, 2023. The exact meeting location is only shared with those who pre-register for the event to protect their privacy and safety, as some survivors may not have disclosed to their loved ones or are still in an abusive situation.

Previously, the workshop was only open to adults, but officials say they are now excited to open the workshop to survivors as young as five-years-old. A parent or guardian must accompany children ages 16 and younger for the duration of the event. Individuals without children are also welcome and encouraged to attend.

Counselors and advocates of Victim Services will host several activities throughout the day such as art therapy activities, self-compassion tips, mindfulness exercises, and trauma-informed yoga. Victim Services officials say that all the activities are optional for participants.

“Everyone heals differently, so an activity that is relaxing for one person may be stressful for someone else,” said Victim Services Public Relations Manager Jamie Roth. “If someone does not want to take part in a certain activity with the group, they are more than welcome to relax or do something else during that time without judgment. Counselors will be available if anyone wants to talk privately.”

To register for the workshop, call Victim Services’ hotline at 309-837-5555. All services are free and confidential.

WIRC-CAA Victim Services is a nonprofit that provides free and confidential crisis counseling, medical advocacy and legal advocacy to adult and child survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault and/or stalking in multiple western Illinois counties. If you have experienced or witnessed abuse at any point in your life, you are welcome to call their free and confidential crisis hotline at 309-837-5555 to speak with a counselor.